Altar Server
Children in 4th grade and up assist the Priest/Deacon at the altar at Mass and special liturgies including weddings, funerals and Holy Days. Please contact the Parish Office with interest at info@sacredheart.us
Help with greeting, seating, taking of collection and emergencies during Mass. Those interested, please contact the Parish Office at info@sacredheart.us
(Eucharistic) Ministers
Assist with distribution of Holy Communion at Mass, in nursing homes and in private homes of homebound parishioners. Training is provided. Those interested, please email Georgeanna Singley at gcsingley@msn.com
Proclaim the readings at Mass and other Liturgies through the year. Training is provided. Those interested, please email Georgeanna Singley at gcsingley@msn.com
Help with greeting, seating, taking of collection and emergencies during Mass. Those interested, please contact the Parish Office at info@sacredheart.us
The Music Ministry at Sacred Heart is a vibrant ministry consisting of instrumentalists, cantors, an adult choir, and a seasonal bell choir. These musicians provide music for Sunday Masses and special liturgies throughout the year. If you have musical talent that you would like to share with our parish community, please contact our Music Director, Mrs. Amy Murphy, at amurphy@sacredheart.us. "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." (Ps. 100)
Assist in preparing and serving refreshments after Mass and at different Parish events throughout the year. Those interested, please contact Marie Beletti by email at jmb5now@yahoo.com
Art & Environment
Help with designing and implementing the church decor for each liturgical season. Those interested, please contact Annemarie Dunn at anniesdunn50@gmail.com
Greeters/Welcome Ambassadors
Welcome friends, family and neighbors to Mass by warmly greeting all who enter and helping to distribute Parish Bulletins. Those interested, please contact our Parish Office at info@sacredheart.us
Gardening Angels
Tend to the outdoor garden beds, flowers, Marian garden and planters. Those interested, please contact the parish office at info@sacredheart.us
God's Housekeepers
Help us keep the Lord's House clean by gathering one Saturday morning each month to give our church a thorough cleaning. Those interested, please contact Marie Beletti at jmb5now@yahoo.com

Care, Prayer, and Outreach Ministries
Caring for Friends
Provide nourishing food to parish and community homebound neighbors. Those interested, please contact Elizabeth Logan at info@sacredheart.us
Prayer Line
Our prayer line is used to receive prayers for yourself, a loved one, or for special intentions. To submit prayer requests or to be added to the Prayer Line ministry to assist in praying for others and intentions, please contact Carmella Davis at info@sacredheart.us
Stitching for Service
Providing hand-crafted items to support local hospitals, military families and nursing homes. Also creates quilts and items for raffle. Please contact Lisa Ledger at jledger@zoominternet.net
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is an international association of practicing members of the Catholic Church who gather weekly to pray the rosary and serve the Church voluntarily. Those interested in obtaining more information, please contact Molly Hampshire at bhamp68@zoominternet.net
Respect Life/
Defenders of the Family
Promotes the Gospel message of God-given human dignity for all, from conception until natural death. Those interested please contact Mary Ann Pluciennick at pluciennikma@gmail.com or Karen Orpneck at kmo@zoominternet.net
Local Resident Home Ministry
Assist with praying of the rosary and distribution of the Holy Eucharist to Catholic residents at Ware Presbyterian Village nursing home in Oxford. Rosary services are weekly on Wednesday afternoons at 1:30 pm with Mass offered once per month. Those interested, please contact the Parish Office at info@sacredheart.us
Formation Ministries
Eucharistic Adoration
Come spend some quiet time with our Lord in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration hours are from 10:00 am - 6:45 pm every Tuesday concluding with 7:00 pm Daily Mass. Anyone is welcome for any length of time. For questions, or to sign up for a weekly time slot, please contact Joann DiLiberto at jmd0806@gmail.com
Charismatic Prayer Group
Meet with us for fellowship, song, praise and the sharing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For more information about the Charismatic Ministry or about our Prayer Group, please contact Jean Gottel at gotbean77@yahoo.com
Rite of Christian Initiation
Interested in helping others in their faith journey to become Catholic or complete their Sacraments of Initiation? As a team member you share your experiences and your knowledge of our Catholic faith with those preparing to fully enter the Church.
If interested in becoming a member of our team, please contact Deacon Justin Watkins at rcia@sacredheart.us

Social Ministries
Knights of Columbus
Lay Catholic men serving the Catholic Church and their community by acts of service and fundraising throughout the year. For general information on the Knights of Columbus organization, you can visit www.kofc.org. For more information or interest in the Knights of Columbus here at Sacred Heart, please email Grand Knight, John Flynn at skj3flynn3@gmail.com
Ladies Auxiliary
Lay Catholic women serving the parish and their community through acts of service and fundraising activities throughout the year. For more information, please contact our President, Maria Pini, at oxf485@gmail.com
Moms' Group
The Sacred Heart Moms Group is a very active community of Catholic moms from Sacred Heart and the surrounding parishes, and we would love for you to join us! Our get-togethers offer friendship, support, and a chance for our children to play together. We have an active group chat where we offer support on anything from parenting struggles to doing our best to raise saintly children. In addition to play dates, we have a monthly moms' morning out and moms' night out.
Young at Heart
Gather for snacks, fellowship, games and social events twice monthly. This group of Parishioners aged 50+ provide service to our parish in a variety of ways. For interest in this group, please contact Kathy Maloney at maloney88@verizon.net
Youth Ministries
Youth Group
For youth in 6-12th grade. Youth group provides an atmosphere for kids to deepen their faith, serve their community, and meet new people! Join us every Sunday to form long lasting relationships with people who share your beliefs, get your questions on Catholicism answered, receive community service/volunteer hours for school or resumes, and hang out with friends! For more details, visit our youth group page (linked below) or contact Clare Sceski at csceski@sacredheart.us
CYO - Catholic Youth Organization
Help youth to excel in athletics that integrate talent and faith with healthy teamwork, competition, sportsmanship and service to God and Community. To volunteer as a coach, assistant or other team support member, please contact our regional CYO at CYO@assumptionbvmwestgrove.org